Sexy, Dirty and Everything Flirty

Friday, June 17, 2005

Get to Know... Quyen! :D

If you're reading this, you are hereby forced to post your own "Get to Know..." post on your own blog! :P I got this one from Jenn ;)


1. I used to play Magic the Gathering, competitively
2. I've always wanted platinum blonde hair ;)
3. I used to be a professional tarot card reader
4. I never in my life thought I'd become a teacher, but I'm so glad I did :)
5. I'm incredibly self-conscious about my physical appearance
6. I've had musicial compositions premiered by symphony orchestra
7. I have at least 8 evening gowns that I've never worn in my life because I've never been anywhere fancy enough to wear them, but I still keep them in my closet, hoping that I will
8. I am unable to "sleep in" - I naturally wake up between 8 and 9 without an alarm clock :(
9. I once considered becoming a professional escort (thankfully, I decided on college, instead :P)
10. Even more than getting head, I love giving head ;)


1. Tell me I'm beautiful
2. Always have a big surprise waiting for me... in your pants :P
3. Love to hug and hold me
4. Be a good kisser and love to kiss me
5. Have an incredible sense of humor and be silly, sarcastic, and witty at all the right times
6. Do something sweet and adorable in a lustful and passionate moment (like saying you just want to cuddle when I'm just about to go down on you :P)
7. Bring me my favorite flowers: Stargazer Lillies - they're only $5 a bouquet ;)
8. Cook me a homemade meal or work side by side with me in the kitchen
9. Be intelligent and able to stimulate not only my body but my mind as well


1. "Wet Your Whistle" chapstick from Bath & Body Works
2. "Emollience" moisturizer from SkinCeuticals
3. A thong ;)
4. Giorgio Armani glasses
5. My purse that looks like a doctor's bag
6. An "ouchless" elastic hair tie or hair clip
7. Packing tape
8. My credit card :P


1. People who don't look you in the eye when they talk to you
2. Being scratched by my cat
3. Bad kissers! >:(
4. Bad drivers! >:(
5. Guys who are completely silent in bed (no moaning or dirty talk)
6. Waking up after a nap all sticky and sweaty :(
7. People who talk on their cell phones while they're on a date


1. Florence, Italy
2. Vienna, Austria
3. Meiringen, Switzerland - I want to retire here someday! :D
4. London, England
5. Tijijuana, Mexico - bwahahahaha ;)
6. Vatican City (no, I'm not Catholic :P)


1. Learn to play 7-string bass viola da gamba well enough to play all of Marin Marais' Pieces de Viole
2. Publish a book of my writing, whether it be on pedagogy, a novel, or my poetry
3. Tour with a String Quartet
4. Get married and raise children
5. See more of the world


1. Getting old
2. Ghosts and spirits
3. Scary movies and scary video games :P
4. Dying with regrets


1. Play Utopia
2. Wash my face
3. Feed my cat


1. Compulsively lie all the time
2. Constantly eat unhealthy foods


1. Chris :\


  • At 11:43 AM , Blogger Rarry said...

    Damn .... I was hoping I would be #1 ;P

  • At 4:16 PM , Blogger Julie said... what DO you do with the packing tape that you carry around everyday???


  • At 1:10 PM , Blogger David said...

    Was it really smart to write the very last thing? well anyway...

    You know I'm all you described on #9... And you're only like 2 years older than me... I don't mind :)

    Now I'm going to see what Utopia is about...

  • At 3:44 PM , Blogger Handsome B. Wonderful said...

    I think I fulfill the ability to have a big surprise waiting for you. Hehe. Fun list!!

  • At 1:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I think my 1 of your 10 random things about you... or was it 2, or 5, no 10...

    Actually, i really enjoyed this whole blog :)

  • At 2:09 AM , Blogger Mogwai said...

    Damn we have a lot in common...really. As for the Magic: The Gathering, what colors did you like ot play with? I played in a few tounaments back in the day and then I sold my deck for a few hundred bucks which was a lot at the time because I was 14. :) I used to play black and sometimes green. Damn I feel like a nerd now...oh yeah.. I am!

  • At 1:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Are ex-boyfriends of Quyen allowed to publish remarks here? Not talking about the most recent ex, I mean the other ex's...

    Can we post incriminating information? That wouldn't be a problem, right?

  • At 4:30 AM , Blogger Yankeebob said...

    #4 under "5 THINGS I WANT TO DO BEFORE I DIE" seems out of place to me. Just doesn't feel like it fits.

    You and I have #10 in the "10 REALLY RANDOM" section in common. I get fired up giving more than getting. ;)

  • At 9:25 AM , Blogger Kis Lee said...

    nice list.

  • At 9:29 AM , Blogger peachy said...

    The packing tape made me laugh. You're so kinky. :)

    The compulsive lying thing also piqued my interest.

  • At 12:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    No other anonymous person, you are not allowed to post incriminating information.


    Because I'm not allowed to either, even if I totally made it sound like a joke. Especially with the tape, not that anyone would believe me. :: Shudders in fear and terror, the horror, the H-O-R-R-O-R!!!! ::


  • At 10:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


    What a shame, having to keep my mouth shut and secrets secret. Oh well...And I have a feeling you too, Mr. TMAnon, know what the fabled Quyen tape is exactly used for. So yes, I would believe you TMAnon, that is, if you could ever tell me.

    EM-50, AKA "anonymous"

  • At 8:20 AM , Blogger Chris said...

    EM-50, aka "anonymous",

    No, you're not allowed to post incriminating evidence on this blog.

    Why? Because, one, you'd be a jackass. :-D We wouldn't want that. :-P

    Plus, if I can keep my mouth shut, anyone can. Anyone!

    Quyen has painted me as a monster to her family, friends, and bloggers. If I wanted to, I could literally have everyone on my side by explaining simple things like the significance of the number 898. lol - I'm really not kidding.

    However, as much as I'd like to set the story straight and silence a few annoying, judgmental bloggers, it's not worth it. It's not worth slandering someone on their own blog, or embarrassing them, and taking away from them the community they've built and nourished.

    The same goes for you and the Mighty Anonymous (whose secret identity I know). Getting a few quick laughs, although fun at the time, is not worth it.

    Final Note - ala Jerry Springer - Can't we just accept that some people like to be prepared at all times? - ergo the packing tape. Like Peachy said: kinky ;-)

  • At 11:45 AM , Blogger peachy said...

    Wow Chris.
    That's the best reply I've read from you in a while. Nice job.

  • At 12:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Thank you for leaving your well-written, intelligent and thought-provoking piece. I appreciate the fact that you sat down to think through your ideas and write up your comments, and I enjoyed reading it all.

    Chris, I am very certain that you and I have a lot in common, after reading Quyen's blog regarding you specifically, and reading your blog bio. I am also certain that I was also painted in a very unflattering light, like you, to Quyen's friends, family, et al. And also undeservedly.

    And while I appreciate your advice, I'm sure Quyen and Co. already consider me a "jackass" with a capital "J". No matter what I do, that will not change, not in their eyes, not ever. If you knew my genuine identity, you would likely agree.

    But yes Chris, having read your words, I have to agree with you. I have no right, none, to slander Quyen here. Neither of us does, regardless of past experiences and prior relationships. Quyen is a human being with the inherent right to be happy and be left alone.

    Posting potentially unfavourable information here is the cyber equivilant of throwing a molotov cocktail through a plate glass window into someone's home. Thanks to your words, I can see that now. It's mean, cruel, dangerous, can cause huge damage, and all to an innocent victim.

    Chris, I again appreciate your comments, helping to set things right and helping me to do the right thing.

    I would be interested in talking to you further, sharing notes and experiences. I think that would be very interesting indeed...and no, this isn't some kind of cheesy pick-up line.

    Are you interested in chatting with me in another (online) forum?

    If you are, let me know here, and I will contact you via AIM in the near future.

    If you're not, please also indicate here in another comment, and I will go in peace.

    Sincerely and respectfully,


  • At 11:00 PM , Blogger Chris said...

    EM 50,

    I'm glad you did the right thing, and if you're who I suspect you are, I never doubted you would.

    While I'd like to post a more thorough response, I need to make this short so I can get to work on time tomorrow. Yesterday, I was a half hour late for taking the time to post here.

    With Quyen's blessing, I'm open to sharing experiences and comparing notes. I think it'd lead to some resolution for the both of us.


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