Sexy, Dirty and Everything Flirty

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I'm Self-Conscious

Ever since Grace posted her "What Blogger Am I?" post, I've been self-conscious about posting anything else. I mean, I know it was a spoof of my writing style, but then I gotta think: How over the top IS my writing style? I keep reading it over and over again thinking, "Wow. People must think I'm ridiculous with my smileys and exclamation marks and rhetorical questions! hahahaha Not to mention the "sexy" pics I post and blatant sexuality that comes across in my writing :P Kudos to Grace for having the balls to go outside and go take "sexy" pics ;) Meow. Grace has got it going on! I think this calls for some rice on rice action, don't you think? :P


  • At 9:49 AM , Blogger Cam said...

    rice on rice -lol

    Don't go and get all analytical on yourself girl. You just stay the same sweet, flirty thing that you are and please don't change a thing.
    We love you and your writing just the way they are. :)
    And we always love sexy pics of Asian women making their sex faces (cracked me up when birdie said that!).

  • At 11:21 AM , Blogger peachy said...

    Oh, shut up Quyen!
    We all love the way you write, and wish our sexy pics came out as good as yours.

    Did you read my comment on her blog? I didn't notice the exclamation points, but I like the smiley faces and when I see them, I know it's you commenting or writing.

  • At 12:32 PM , Blogger Yankeebob said...

    Don't change a thing Quyen! It's your style and it's why we like your blog. I personally love the way you write, content included. It's very honest.

    As for the sexy pics, do I really have to mention how much I love those? *Rowr* ;)

  • At 1:04 PM , Blogger Kis Lee said...

    i think i was the only blogger who didn't know it was you. hehe.

    who cares if you're over the top? do what you want, babe.

  • At 11:25 PM , Blogger Summer said...

    I love your top! I mean your over the top-ness. Um, yeah, that.

    Seriously, Quyen, please don't change. There's a reason we read your blog. It's because we like *you*, the *real you.*

  • At 2:04 AM , Blogger geezer squeezer! said...

    like they said above,dont change sistah!
    rice on rice! i gotta remember that.

  • At 7:27 AM , Blogger Cece Martinez said...

    Dont feel self-consious! You are fun to read and all that stuff is what makes it so much fun.

  • At 9:15 AM , Blogger Calvin said...

    'rice-on-rice action' :lol:

  • At 8:30 PM , Blogger Handsome B. Wonderful said...

    Just keep being your sexy wonderful self cutie. Mmmm rice-on-rice (drool).

  • At 10:34 AM , Blogger grace said...

    didn't mean to make you all self-conscious! hehe...

    you know i had to make it a little bit exaggerated so people would know it was you...

    no worries... it was all in good fun :)


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