Sexy, Dirty and Everything Flirty

Friday, February 03, 2006

NYR Revisited

1) Exercise more
I bought a balance ball and have worked out maybe five times this month. But the way I figure it, five is better than zero :P In fact, I plan to work out this morning :)

2) No more smoking
I did smoke this month. Shame on me :(

3) Drink less
I totally did well on this one! I only drink at parties and maybe get-togethers these days. My liver thanks me :)

4) Get contacts
Not only did I get contacts, but I also bought a pair of Chanel sunglasses that weigh in at $300. Now I can look glam and pretentious all at the same time :P

5) Practice safer sex
I got tested and I'm clean, but I haven't practiced safe sex as much as I'd like to. It's not asking that's the problem. I just don't like the feeling. But for my health, I need to start being good about this.

6) Make new friends
I think I've made at least three new friends this month :)

7) Get rid of old acquaintances
I got rid of Sir Shady. That's a step in the right direction, right? ;)

8) Have a new adventure, once a month
Does a bisexual threesome count as an adventure? :P

9) Start practicing my viola
I haven't done it regularly, but I've done it enough to keep up the current level of skill that I do have. Now that I'm taking private lessons through school, I'll have more pressure to do well.

10) Be more spiritual
Whoa! I totally forgot I even made this resolution :( Needless to say, I haven't done anything spiritually fulfilling this year yet, but I mean to...


  • At 10:33 AM , Blogger peachy said...

    Speaking of Sir Shady, you were supposed to tell us about the rest of those guys.

    So far you're doing good on your resolutions. Keep it up.

  • At 6:02 AM , Blogger Badpatty said...

    Ye gods! your resolutions just point out the total lack of direction in my life. On New Year's Eve, I think that I resolved to make sure to get up early the next day to water the ducks.

  • At 8:58 PM , Blogger David said...

    Hi sweetie!!!

    I have just the thing for you...

    I love that site, I'm sure it'll help keep your resolutions in order ;)

    P,S: I'm DavidNetk - look me up!


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